![[Obsidian Site Entry Photo V3.jpg]] Welcome to my website 👋🏻 It's a 🌴 jungle in here, so the below links will point you in the right direction. You can always get back to this 'Index/Home' page by clicking '0 Welcome' from the bottom of the folder and page list on the left side menu (*or just by clicking my full name in the top left!*). The best way to browse my notes is with the Search Bar, or by starting off in the "8 Maps of Content" folder and choosing a Map of Content (Index) to explore # You might want to ## 🧠 [[10 My Second Brain|Learn more/explore this website, my 'Second Brain']] ## 📰 [[20 My Blog|Browse my blog]] ## 👨🏻‍💻 [[Ruairi McNicholas|Learn more about me]] ## 🎓 [Learn about my education business, Clarity Academy](https://clarityacademy.cc/) ## 📬 [[Contact Me]]